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Seasonal Learning Theory

What is it?

Using the 4 seasons change your classroom environment to meet the needs of introverts, extroverts, social processing and teacher feedback.  To embrace all learners we use themes that match and contrast how learners can understand (not learn) the content.  Here are some examples:

Seasoal Learning Theroy
Anchor 1


What happens?

This is the quietest season where learners are either:

  • Reading or thinking to themselves

  • Listening to a podcast/audio track

  • Drawing their understanding of the concept


This is where the introverts can have their time to think, go off track and explore on their own. Giving time to consider, brainstorm and rearrange thoughts is a priceless gift to give any learner during their day.



What happens?

This is where learners get to talk to their partner quietly about the work, such as:

  • Talking about what they have just learnt, or what the educator has just said

  • Discussing or defending an opinion

  • Sharing their work with a partner

Everyone has seen students talk to their buddy about 'What did the teacher just say?' or 'Am I doing this right?'.

Allow students to share their understanding with each other to get orientated with a fellow learner.



What happens?

This is where learners get to have some organised chaos and interact at volume.

  • Discuss/Brainstorm in large groups using large props

  • Build a presentation on a white board

  • Role-play/apply more complex ideas


This is a structured time with clear goals to be achieved. You can observe from afar, interact and nudge groups or quietly listen as their understanding intensifies.



What happens?

This is where teacher gives feedback on examples and refines the work to exam level answers.  It is a discussion between learners and teacher.

  • Cover learning completed showing learner examples

  • Discuss and define an exam answer

  • Extend the learning beyond the classroom


This is where the teachers leadership is applied in cooperation with the learners.  Find and discuss answers, insist that they can discover and refine these themselves.  Review the work completed and encourage positive future behaviour.

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